configFlutter method

void configFlutter({
  1. bool neverCheckConnection = false,
  2. StorageInterface? storage,
  3. QueryConfigFlutter? config,
  4. List<QueryObserver>? observers,

Initialise CachedQuery with flutter specific configs.

refetchOnResume is whether the onscreen query should refetch when the app comes back into view.

Use refetchOnConnection to re-fetch any query that has a listener when the connection changes from no connection to connection.

neverCheckConnection never sets up the connection listener and stream. This cannot be overridden at the query level. If you want queries to not re-fetch on connection by default but want to override it later use config.

Set the global default config which all queries will use.


void configFlutter({
  bool neverCheckConnection = false,
  StorageInterface? storage,
  QueryConfigFlutter? config,
  List<QueryObserver>? observers,
}) {
    config: config,
    storage: storage,
    observers: observers,


  if (!neverCheckConnection) {