ServicerService class



ServicerService(dynamic baseUrl, dynamic headers, dynamic options)


accessToken String?
getter/setter pairinherited
baseOptions Options?
getter/setter pairinherited
baseUrl String
getter/setter pair
baseUrlRoot String
getter/setter pairinherited
dio → Dio
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headerDefault Map<String, String>
getter/setter pairinherited
headerParams HeadersInput
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


confirmCurrentEmailToChangeEmail(TokenInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change email step two confirm current email
confirmCurrentEmailToChangePhone(TokenInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change phone step two confirm current email
confirmCurrentPhoneToChangeEmail(TokenOtpInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change email step three confirm current phone
confirmCurrentPhoneToChangePhone(TokenOtpInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change phone step three confirm current phone
confirmEmailLoginPasswordless(TokenInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Confirm email Login
confirmNewEmailToChangeEmail(TokenInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change email step five confirm new email
confirmNewPhoneToChangePhone(TokenOtpInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change phone step five confirm new phone
confirmPhoneLoginPasswordless(TokenOtpInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Confirm phone number login
deletex<T>(String path, {Options? queryParams, Object? body}) Future<Response>
getx<T>(String path, {Options? queryParams}) Future<Response>
handleRefreshToken() Future<bool>
loginByEmailAndPassword(EmailPasswordInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Login by email and password
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
patchx<T>(String path, {Options? queryParams, Object? body}) Future<Response>
postx<T>(String path, {Options? queryParams, Object? body}) Future<Response>
profile() Future<ResponseModel>
Get Servicer profile
putx<T>(String path, {Options? queryParams, Object? body}) Future<Response>
resendOtpLoginPasswordless(TokenInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Login resend otp
resendOtpNewPhoneToChangePhone(TokenInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change phone step four resend otp
resendOtpToChangeEmail(TokenInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change email step two resend otp
resendOtpToChangePhone(TokenInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change phone step two resend otp
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateProfile(ProfileInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Update Servicer profile
verifyCurrentEmailToChangeEmail(EmailInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change email step one verify current email
verifyCurrentEmailToChangePhone(EmailInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change phone step one verify current email
verifyEmailLoginPasswordless(EmailInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Verify email login
verifyNewEmailToChangeEmail(TokenNewEmailInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change email step four verify new email
verifyNewPhoneToChangePhone(TokenNewPhoneInput body) Future<ResponseModel>
Change phone step four verify new phone


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.