initSingScoring abstract method

Future<int?> initSingScoring({
  1. required String singScoringAppKey,
  2. required String singScoringToken,
  3. RTCSingScoringEventHandler? handler,

Initializes karaoke scoring feature.

singScoringAppKey: The key for karaoke scoring, used to authenticate whether the karaoke scoring is enabled.
singScoringToken: The key for karaoke scoring, used to authenticate whether the karaoke scoring is enabled.

Authentication is done offline, bind the AppKey and Token according to the package name (bundleID). Please contact technical support to apply for the key.

handler: Karaoke scoring event handler.

Return value:

  • 0: Success.
  • -1: Failure.
  • -2: Karaoke scoring module not integrated.


Future<int?> initSingScoring({
  required String singScoringAppKey,
  required String singScoringToken,
  RTCSingScoringEventHandler? handler,