api/bytertc_room_event_handler library


Room event callbacks.


OnAudioStreamBannedType = void Function(String uid, bool banned)
uid: ID of the user of whom the published audio stream is banned/unbanned.
OnAVSyncStateChangeType = void Function(AVSyncState state)
state: A/V synchronization status.
OnForwardStreamEventType = void Function(List<ForwardStreamEventInfo> eventInfos)
eventInfos: List of target room events.
OnForwardStreamStateChangedType = void Function(List<ForwardStreamStateInfo> stateInfos)
stateInfos: List of target room information.
OnLeaveRoomType = void Function(RTCRoomStats stats)
stats: Statistics of this call.
OnRoomExtraInfoUpdateType = void Function(String key, String value, String lastUpdateUserId, int lastUpdateTimeMs)
key: Key of the extra information.
OnRoomMessageSendResultType = void Function(int msgid, RoomMessageSendResult error)
msgid: ID of this message.
OnRoomStateChangedType = void Function(String roomId, String uid, int state, String extraInfo)
roomId: ID of the room where the status change occurred.
OnSetRoomExtraInfoResultType = void Function(int taskId, SetRoomExtraInfoResult error)
taskId: The task ID of the API call.
OnSubtitleMessageReceivedType = void Function(List<SubtitleMessage> subtitles)
subtitles: Subtitle messages.
OnSubtitleStateChangedType = void Function(SubtitleState state, SubtitleErrorCode errorCode, String errorMessage)
state: The states of subtitles.
OnUserJoinedType = void Function(UserInfo userInfo, int elapsed)
userInfo: User information.
OnUserLeaveType = void Function(String uid, UserOfflineReason reason)
uid: ID of the remote user who left the room or switched to invisible.
OnUserPublishStreamType = void Function(String uid, MediaStreamType type)
uid: ID of the remote user who publishes the stream.
OnUserUnpublishStreamType = void Function(String uid, MediaStreamType type, StreamRemoveReason reason)
uid: ID of the user whose stream is removed.
OnUserVisibilityChangedType = void Function(bool currentUserVisibility, UserVisibilityChangeError errorCode)
currentUserVisibility: Visibility of the current user.
OnVideoStreamBannedType = void Function(String uid, bool banned)
uid: ID of the user of whom the published video stream is banned/unbanned.