api/bytertc_event_define library


EmptyCallbackType = void Function()
Empty Callback
OnBinaryMessageReceivedType = void Function(String uid, Uint8List message)
uid: ID of the user who send the message. ID
OnLocalStreamStatsType = void Function(LocalStreamStats stats)
stats: Media stream and network status statistics
OnMessageReceivedType = void Function(String uid, String message)
uid: ID of the user who send the message.
OnMessageSendResultType = void Function(int msgid, UserMessageSendResult error)
msgid: ID of this message.
OnNetworkQualityType = void Function(NetworkQualityStats localQuality, List<NetworkQualityStats> remoteQualities)
localQuality: Local network quality.
OnRemoteStreamStatsType = void Function(RemoteStreamStats stats)
stats: Media stream and network status statistics
OnRoomStatsType = void Function(RTCRoomStats stats)
stats: Summary statistics in the room.
OnSysStatsType = void Function(SysStats stats)
stats: CPU and memory information.