setAudioMixingProgressInterval abstract method

  1. @Deprecated('Deprecated since v3.54.1, use RTCMediaPlayer.setProgressInterval instead')
Future<void> setAudioMixingProgressInterval({
  1. required int mixId,
  2. required int interval,

Sets the interval of callbacks about audio file playback progress during audio mixing.

You can set the interval for multiple IDs by calling this method multiple times and passing in different mixIds.

interval The time interval (ms) of the audio file playback progress callback in milliseconds.

  • The value of interval is a multiple of 10 greater than 0. When the value set is not divisible by 10, the default is rounded up by 10. For example, if the value is set to 52ms, it will be automatically adjusted to 60ms, then the SDK will trigger onAudioMixingPlayingProgress callback at the set interval.
  • If the value is less than or equals to 0, the callback will not be triggered.



    'Deprecated since v3.54.1, use RTCMediaPlayer.setProgressInterval instead')
Future<void> setAudioMixingProgressInterval({
  required int mixId,
  required int interval,