setAudioMixingPosition abstract method

  1. @Deprecated('Deprecated since v3.54.1, use RTCAudioEffectPlayer.setPosition and RTCMediaPlayer.setPosition instead')
Future<void> setAudioMixingPosition({
  1. required int mixId,
  2. required int position,

Sets the starting position of the audio file for audio mixing.

position: The starting position in ms.
You can get the length of the file with RTCAudioMixingManager.getAudioMixingDuration. The value of the position must be less than the length of the file.

Make sure you have called RTCAudioMixingManager.startAudioMixing before calling this API.


    'Deprecated since v3.54.1, use RTCAudioEffectPlayer.setPosition and RTCMediaPlayer.setPosition instead')
Future<void> setAudioMixingPosition({
  required int mixId,
  required int position,