setAudioMixingPitch abstract method

  1. @Deprecated('Deprecated since v3.54.1, use RTCMediaPlayer.setAudioPitch instead')
Future<void> setAudioMixingPitch({
  1. required int mixId,
  2. required int pitch,

Enables local playback of music files in a different key, mostly used in Karaoke scenarios.

pitch is the value by which the adjusted pitch is raised/lowered from the original pitch, and takes the range [-12, 12], with the default value being 0, i.e. no adjustment is made.
The difference in pitch between two adjacent values within the value range is a semitone, with positive values indicating an ascending tone and negative values indicating a descending tone, and the larger the absolute value you set, the more the pitch is raised or lowered.
Settings outside the range of values will fail and trigger RTCVideoEventHandler.onAudioMixingStateChanged.

Notes: Call this API between RTCAudioMixingManager.startAudioMixing and RTCAudioMixingManager.stopAudioMixing.


    'Deprecated since v3.54.1, use RTCMediaPlayer.setAudioPitch instead')
Future<void> setAudioMixingPitch({
  required int mixId,
  required int pitch,