setAudioMixingLoudness abstract method

  1. @Deprecated('Deprecated since v3.54.1, use RTCMediaPlayer.setLoudness instead')
Future<void> setAudioMixingLoudness({
  1. required int mixId,
  2. required double loudness,

If you need to call RTCVideo.enableVocalInstrumentBalance to adjust the volume of the audio file or PCM data used for audio mixing, you must import the original loudness value of the audio file or PCM data via this API.

loudness: Original loudness of the audio file in lufs. The range is [-70.0, 0.0].
If the value is set to be less than -70.0lufs, it is automatically adjusted to -70.0lufs. If the value is set to be greater than 0.0lufs, SDK will not equalize the loudness. The default value is 1.0lufs, i.e. No loudness equalization effect.

To avoid sudden volume changes during audio file playback, we recommend that you call this API before starting to play the audio file with RTCAudioMixingManager.startAudioMixing.


    'Deprecated since v3.54.1, use RTCMediaPlayer.setLoudness instead')
Future<void> setAudioMixingLoudness({
  required int mixId,
  required double loudness,