symbols top-level property

Map<String, String> symbols

Map of all possible emojis along with their names in Category.SYMBOLS


final Map<String, String> symbols = Map.fromIterables([
  'Heart With Arrow',
  'Heart With Ribbon',
  'Sparkling Heart',
  'Growing Heart',
  'Beating Heart',
  'Revolving Hearts',
  'Two Hearts',
  'Heart Decoration',
  'Heavy Heart Exclamation',
  'Broken Heart',
  'Red Heart',
  'Orange Heart',
  'Yellow Heart',
  'Green Heart',
  'Blue Heart',
  'Purple Heart',
  'Black Heart',
  'Hundred Points',
  'Anger Symbol',
  'Speech Balloon',
  'Eye in Speech Bubble',
  'Right Anger Bubble',
  'Thought Balloon',
  'White Flower',
  'Hot Springs',
  'Barber Pole',
  'Stop Sign',
  'Twelve O’Clock',
  'One O’Clock',
  'Two O’Clock',
  'Three O’Clock',
  'Four O’Clock',
  'Five O’Clock',
  'Six O’Clock',
  'Seven O’Clock',
  'Eight O’Clock',
  'Nine O’Clock',
  'Ten O’Clock',
  'Eleven O’Clock',
  'Spade Suit',
  'Heart Suit',
  'Diamond Suit',
  'Club Suit',
  'Mahjong Red Dragon',
  'Flower Playing Cards',
  'Muted Speaker',
  'Speaker Low Volume',
  'Speaker Medium Volume',
  'Speaker High Volume',
  'Postal Horn',
  'Bell With Slash',
  'Musical Note',
  'Musical Notes',
  'ATM Sign',
  'Litter in Bin Sign',
  'Potable Water',
  'Wheelchair Symbol',
  'Men’s Room',
  'Women’s Room',
  'Baby Symbol',
  'Water Closet',
  'Children Crossing',
  'No Entry',
  'No Bicycles',
  'No Smoking',
  'No Littering',
  'Non-Potable Water',
  'No Pedestrians',
  'No One Under Eighteen',
  'Up Arrow',
  'Up-Right Arrow',
  'Right Arrow',
  'Down-Right Arrow',
  'Down Arrow',
  'Down-Left Arrow',
  'Left Arrow',
  'Up-Left Arrow',
  'Up-Down Arrow',
  'Left-Right Arrow',
  'Right Arrow Curving Left',
  'Left Arrow Curving Right',
  'Right Arrow Curving Up',
  'Right Arrow Curving Down',
  'Clockwise Vertical Arrows',
  'Counterclockwise Arrows Button',
  'Back Arrow',
  'End Arrow',
  'On! Arrow',
  'Soon Arrow',
  'Top Arrow',
  'Place of Worship',
  'Atom Symbol',
  'Star of David',
  'Wheel of Dharma',
  'Yin Yang',
  'Latin Cross',
  'Orthodox Cross',
  'Star and Crescent',
  'Peace Symbol',
  'Dotted Six-Pointed Star',
  'Shuffle Tracks Button',
  'Repeat Button',
  'Repeat Single Button',
  'Play Button',
  'Fast-Forward Button',
  'Reverse Button',
  'Fast Reverse Button',
  'Upwards Button',
  'Fast Up Button',
  'Downwards Button',
  'Fast Down Button',
  'Stop Button',
  'Eject Button',
  'Dim Button',
  'Bright Button',
  'Antenna Bars',
  'Vibration Mode',
  'Mobile Phone Off',
  'Recycling Symbol',
  'Trident Emblem',
  'Name Badge',
  'Japanese Symbol for Beginner',
  'Heavy Large Circle',
  'White Heavy Check Mark',
  'Ballot Box With Check',
  'Heavy Check Mark',
  'Heavy Multiplication X',
  'Cross Mark',
  'Cross Mark Button',
  'Heavy Plus Sign',
  'Heavy Minus Sign',
  'Heavy Division Sign',
  'Curly Loop',
  'Double Curly Loop',
  'Part Alternation Mark',
  'Eight-Spoked Asterisk',
  'Eight-Pointed Star',
  'Double Exclamation Mark',
  'Exclamation Question Mark',
  'Question Mark',
  'White Question Mark',
  'White Exclamation Mark',
  'Exclamation Mark',
  'Trade Mark',
  'Keycap Number Sign',
  'Keycap Digit Zero',
  'Keycap Digit One',
  'Keycap Digit Two',
  'Keycap Digit Three',
  'Keycap Digit Four',
  'Keycap Digit Five',
  'Keycap Digit Six',
  'Keycap Digit Seven',
  'Keycap Digit Eight',
  'Keycap Digit Nine',
  'Keycap: 10',
  'Input Latin Uppercase',
  'Input Latin Lowercase',
  'Input Numbers',
  'Input Symbols',
  'Input Latin Letters',
  'A Button (Blood Type)',
  'AB Button (Blood Type)',
  'B Button (Blood Type)',
  'CL Button',
  'Cool Button',
  'Free Button',
  'ID Button',
  'Circled M',
  'New Button',
  'NG Button',
  'O Button (Blood Type)',
  'OK Button',
  'P Button',
  'SOS Button',
  'Up! Button',
  'Vs Button',
  'Japanese “Here” Button',
  'Japanese “Service Charge” Button',
  'Japanese “Monthly Amount” Button',
  'Japanese “Not Free of Charge” Button',
  'Japanese “Reserved” Button',
  'Japanese “Bargain” Button',
  'Japanese “Discount” Button',
  'Japanese “Free of Charge” Button',
  'Japanese “Prohibited” Button',
  'Japanese “Acceptable” Button',
  'Japanese “Application” Button',
  'Japanese “Passing Grade” Button',
  'Japanese “Vacancy” Button',
  'Japanese “Congratulations” Button',
  'Japanese “Secret” Button',
  'Japanese “Open for Business” Button',
  'Japanese “No Vacancy” Button',
  'Red Circle',
  'Blue Circle',
  'Black Circle',
  'White Circle',
  'Black Large Square',
  'White Large Square',
  'Black Medium Square',
  'White Medium Square',
  'Black Medium-Small Square',
  'White Medium-Small Square',
  'Black Small Square',
  'White Small Square',
  'Large Orange Diamond',
  'Large Blue Diamond',
  'Small Orange Diamond',
  'Small Blue Diamond',
  'Red Triangle Pointed Up',
  'Red Triangle Pointed Down',
  'Diamond With a Dot',
  'White Square Button',
  'Black Square Button'
], [