ByteBrewSdk class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

getUserID() Future<String?>
Retrieve the current ByteBrew User ID
hasRemoteConfigs() Future<bool>
Check to see if there are loaded ByteBrew Remote Configs
initialize(String appID, String appKey) → void
Initializes ByteBrew
isByteBrewInitialized() Future<bool>
returns bool based on whether ByteBrew is done initializing
loadRemoteConfigs() Future<bool>
Loads remote configs and returns when they are done loading.
newCustomEvent(String eventName) → void
Add new Custom Event
newCustomEventDoubleValue(String eventName, double value) → void
Add new Custom Event with a double value
newCustomEventStringValue(String eventName, String value) → void
Add a new Custom Event with a string value or concatenated Sub-Parameters. To set a Dictionary of Sub-Parameters, use the format "key1=pair1;key2=pair2;" etc. Example event: ByteBrewSdk.newCustomEventStringValue("sub_param_example", "key1=pair1;key2=pair2;key3=pair3;");
newProgressionEvent(ByteBrewProgressionType progressionType, String environment, String stage) → void
Add new Progression Event
newProgressionEventDoubleValue(ByteBrewProgressionType progressionType, String environment, String stage, double value) → void
Add new Progression Event with a double value
newProgressionEventStringValue(ByteBrewProgressionType progressionType, String environment, String stage, String value) → void
Add new Progression Event with a string value
restartTracking() → void
This will restart tracking for this user.
retrieveRemoteConfigValue(String key, String defaultValue) Future<String?>
Get a remote config value for the key set in the dashboard.
setCustomDataTagBool(String key, bool value) → void
Set Custom Data Attribute with a bool value. Use for segmenting or querying specific users.
setCustomDataTagDouble(String key, double value) → void
Set Custom Data Attribute with a double value. Use for segmenting or querying specific users.
setCustomDataTagInt(String key, int value) → void
Set Custom Data Attribute with a int value. Use for segmenting or querying specific users.
setCustomDataTagString(String key, String value) → void
Set Custom Data Attribute with a string value. Use for segmenting or querying specific users.
startPushNotifications() → void
Starts Push Notifications for your app. Make sure to configure correct Android Setting on your dashboard.
stopTracking() → void
This will pause all tracking for this user.
trackAdEvent(ByteBrewAdType adType, String adLocation) → void
Add a new Ad Event.
trackAdEventADID(ByteBrewAdType adType, String adLocation, String adID) → void
Add a new Ad Event, broken down by the adID shown
trackAdEventAdProvider(ByteBrewAdType adType, String adLocation, String adID, String adProvider) → void
Add a new Ad Event, broken down by the adID shown, and Ad Provider
trackAdEventWithAdLocationRevenue(ByteBrewAdType adType, String adProvider, String adUnitName, String adLocation, double revenue) → void
Add a new Ad Event, broken down by the adID shown, and Ad Provider
trackAdEventWithRevenue(ByteBrewAdType adType, String adProvider, String adUnitName, double revenue) → void
Add a new Ad Event, broken down by the adID shown, and Ad Provider
trackAppleInAppPurchase(String store, String currency, double amount, String itemID, String category, String receipt) → void
Track & Validate a Apple App Store Specific in-app purchase, this will validate the purchase and track it. Make sure to have the correct Apple App Shared Secret setup in your ByteBrew app dashboard to correctly validate and show the validated purchase.
trackGoogleInAppPurchase(String store, String currency, double amount, String itemID, String category, String receipt, String signature) → void
Track & Validate a Google Specific in-app purchase, this will validate the purchase and track it. Make sure to have the correct Google Play License Key setup in your ByteBrew app dashboard to correctly validate and show the validated purchase.
trackInAppPurchase(String store, String currency, double amount, String itemID, String category) → void
Track a regular in-app purchase event, this is without validation.
validateAppleInAppPurchase(String store, String currency, double amount, String itemID, String category, String receipt) Future<Map?>
Validate the Apple App Store in-app purchase and return the validation result. This will also track the purchase analytically.
validateGoogleInAppPurchase(String store, String currency, double amount, String itemID, String category, String receipt, String signature) Future<Map?>
Validate the Google in-app purchase and return the validation result. This will also track the purchase analytically.