Splash constructor

  1. required Key key,
  2. required GestureTapCallback onTap,
  3. required Widget child,
  4. required Color splashColor,
  5. double minRadius = defaultMinRadius,
  6. double maxRadius = defaultMaxRadius,

Creates a splash effect onTap, surrounding its child widget.

The child parameter can not be null. The tap is disabled if the onTap parameter is null.


  required Key key,
  required this.onTap,
  required this.child,
  required this.splashColor,
  this.minRadius = defaultMinRadius,
  this.maxRadius = defaultMaxRadius,
})  : assert(minRadius != null),
      assert(maxRadius != null),
      assert(minRadius > 0),
      assert(minRadius < maxRadius),
      super(key: key);