getLeaderboardsForCharacter static method

Future<DestinyLeaderboardResultsResponse> getLeaderboardsForCharacter(
  1. HttpClient client,
  2. String characterId,
  3. String destinyMembershipId,
  4. int maxtop,
  5. BungieMembershipType membershipType,
  6. String modes,
  7. String statid,

Gets leaderboards with the signed in user's friends and the supplied destinyMembershipId as the focus. PREVIEW: This endpoint is still in beta, and may experience rough edges. The schema is in final form, but there may be bugs that prevent desirable operation.


static Future<DestinyLeaderboardResultsResponse> getLeaderboardsForCharacter (
    HttpClient client,
    String characterId,
    String destinyMembershipId,
    int maxtop,
    BungieMembershipType membershipType,
    String modes,
    String statid,
) async {
    final Map<String, dynamic> params = Map<String, dynamic>();
    final String _characterId = '$characterId';
    final String _destinyMembershipId = '$destinyMembershipId';
    final String _membershipType = '${membershipType.value}';
    params['maxtop'] = maxtop;
    params['modes'] = modes;
    params['statid'] = statid;
    final HttpClientConfig config = HttpClientConfig('GET', '/Destiny2/Stats/Leaderboards/$_membershipType/$_destinyMembershipId/$_characterId/', params);
    config.bodyContentType = null;
    final HttpResponse response = await client.request(config);
    if(response.statusCode == 200) {
        return DestinyLeaderboardResultsResponse.asyncFromJson(response.mappedBody);
    throw Exception(response.mappedBody);