getLeaderboardsForCharacter static method
- HttpClient client,
- String characterId,
- String destinyMembershipId,
- int maxtop,
- BungieMembershipType membershipType,
- String modes,
- String statid,
Gets leaderboards with the signed in user's friends and the supplied destinyMembershipId as the focus. PREVIEW: This endpoint is still in beta, and may experience rough edges. The schema is in final form, but there may be bugs that prevent desirable operation.
static Future<DestinyLeaderboardResultsResponse> getLeaderboardsForCharacter (
HttpClient client,
String characterId,
String destinyMembershipId,
int maxtop,
BungieMembershipType membershipType,
String modes,
String statid,
) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> params = Map<String, dynamic>();
final String _characterId = '$characterId';
final String _destinyMembershipId = '$destinyMembershipId';
final String _membershipType = '${membershipType.value}';
params['maxtop'] = maxtop;
params['modes'] = modes;
params['statid'] = statid;
final HttpClientConfig config = HttpClientConfig('GET', '/Destiny2/Stats/Leaderboards/$_membershipType/$_destinyMembershipId/$_characterId/', params);
config.bodyContentType = null;
final HttpResponse response = await client.request(config);
if(response.statusCode == 200) {
return DestinyLeaderboardResultsResponse.asyncFromJson(response.mappedBody);
throw Exception(response.mappedBody);