getApplicationApiUsage static method
- HttpClient client,
- int applicationId,
- String end,
- String start,
Get API usage by application for time frame specified. You can go as far back as 30 days ago, and can ask for up to a 48 hour window of time in a single request. You must be authenticated with at least the ReadUserData permission to access this endpoint.
static Future<ApiUsageResponse> getApplicationApiUsage (
HttpClient client,
int applicationId,
String end,
String start,
) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> params = Map<String, dynamic>();
final String _applicationId = '$applicationId';
params['end'] = end;
params['start'] = start;
final HttpClientConfig config = HttpClientConfig('GET', '/App/ApiUsage/$_applicationId/', params);
config.bodyContentType = null;
final HttpResponse response = await client.request(config);
if(response.statusCode == 200) {
return ApiUsageResponse.asyncFromJson(response.mappedBody);
throw Exception(response.mappedBody);