getApplicationApiUsage static method

Future<ApiUsageResponse> getApplicationApiUsage(
  1. HttpClient client,
  2. int applicationId,
  3. String end,
  4. String start,

Get API usage by application for time frame specified. You can go as far back as 30 days ago, and can ask for up to a 48 hour window of time in a single request. You must be authenticated with at least the ReadUserData permission to access this endpoint.


static Future<ApiUsageResponse> getApplicationApiUsage (
    HttpClient client,
    int applicationId,
    String end,
    String start,
) async {
    final Map<String, dynamic> params = Map<String, dynamic>();
    final String _applicationId = '$applicationId';
    params['end'] = end;
    params['start'] = start;
    final HttpClientConfig config = HttpClientConfig('GET', '/App/ApiUsage/$_applicationId/', params);
    config.bodyContentType = null;
    final HttpResponse response = await client.request(config);
    if(response.statusCode == 200) {
        return ApiUsageResponse.asyncFromJson(response.mappedBody);
    throw Exception(response.mappedBody);