Store<State extends Built<State, StateBuilder>, StateBuilder extends Builder<State, StateBuilder>, Actions extends ReduxActions> constructor

Store<State extends Built<State, StateBuilder>, StateBuilder extends Builder<State, StateBuilder>, Actions extends ReduxActions>(
  1. Reducer<State, StateBuilder, dynamic> reducer,
  2. State defaultState,
  3. Actions actions, {
  4. Iterable<Middleware<State, StateBuilder, Actions>> middleware = const [],


  Reducer<State, StateBuilder, dynamic> reducer,
  State defaultState,
  Actions actions, {
  Iterable<Middleware<State, StateBuilder, Actions>> middleware = const [],
}) {
  // set the initial state
  _state = defaultState;

  _actions = actions;

  final api = MiddlewareApi<State, StateBuilder, Actions>(this);

  // setup the dispatch chain
  ActionHandler handler = (action) {
    var state = _state.rebuild((b) => reducer(_state, action, b));

    // if the state did not change do not publish an event
    if (_state == state) return;

    // update the internal state and publish the change
    if (!_stateController.isClosed)
          StoreChange<State, StateBuilder, dynamic>(state, _state, action));

    _state = state;

  // if middleware is give build the chain
  if (middleware.isNotEmpty) {
    // Scope each function with the store's api
    Iterable<NextActionHandler> chain = => m(api));

    // combine each middeware
    NextActionHandler combinedMiddleware = chain.reduce(
        (composed, middleware) => (handler) => composed(middleware(handler)));

    // make the last middleware in the chain call the top-level reducer
    handler = combinedMiddleware(handler);

  // call the handler when an action is dispatched