from method

Iterable<DeclarationMirror>? from(
  1. dynamic instance

Get List of variables annotated with T from the InstanceMirror instance. For example:

class ObjectWithAnnotatedAttr {

  var annotated1

  var annotated2

main() {
  var o = new ObjectWithAnnotatedAttr();

  // should return a list of [VariableMirror] of annotated1 and annotated2
  var variablesAnnotatedWithAnnotation1 = new GetFieldsAnnotatedWith<Annotation1>().from(o);

  // should return a list of [VariableMirror] of annotated1
  var fieldsAnnotatedWithAnnotation2 = new GetFieldsAnnotatedWith<Annotation2>().from(o);


Iterable<DeclarationMirror>? from(instance) => reflect(instance)
    .where((methodMirror) => methodMirror.annotations?.any(Is<T>()) == true);