canOutliveParent property

  1. @TagNumber(30)
bool canOutliveParent

Flag to control if the build can outlive its parent.

This field is only meaningful if the build has ancestors. If the build has ancestors and the value is false, it means that the build SHOULD reach a terminal status (SUCCESS, FAILURE, INFRA_FAILURE or CANCELED) before its parent. If the child fails to do so, Buildbucket will cancel it some time after the parent build reaches a terminal status.

A build that can outlive its parent can also outlive its parent's ancestors.


$core.bool get canOutliveParent => $_getBF(25);
  1. @TagNumber(30)
void canOutliveParent=(bool v)


set canOutliveParent($core.bool v) {
  $_setBool(25, v);