forPath static method

Future<PackageGraph> forPath(
  1. String packagePath

Creates a PackageGraph for the package whose top level directory lives at packagePath (no trailing slash).


static Future<PackageGraph> forPath(String packagePath) async {
  /// Read in the pubspec file and parse it as yaml.
  final pubspec = File(p.join(packagePath, 'pubspec.yaml'));
  if (!pubspec.existsSync()) {
    throw StateError(
        'Unable to generate package graph, no `pubspec.yaml` found. '
        'This program must be ran from the root directory of your package.');
  final rootPubspec = _pubspecForPath(packagePath);
  final rootPackageName = rootPubspec['name'] as String?;
  if (rootPackageName == null) {
    throw StateError('The current package has no name, please add one to the '

  final packageConfig =
      await findPackageConfig(Directory(packagePath), recurse: false);
  if (packageConfig == null) {
    throw StateError(
        'Unable to find package config for package at $packagePath.');

  final dependencyTypes = _parseDependencyTypes(packagePath);

  final nodes = <String, PackageNode>{};
  // A consistent package order _should_ mean a consistent order of build
  // phases. It's not a guarantee, but also not required for correctness, only
  // an optimization.
  final consistentlyOrderedPackages = packageConfig.packages.toList()
    ..sort((a, b) =>;
  for (final package in consistentlyOrderedPackages) {
    var isRoot = == rootPackageName;
    nodes[] = PackageNode(,
        isRoot ? DependencyType.path : dependencyTypes[],
        isRoot: isRoot);
  PackageNode packageNode(String package, {String? parent}) {
    final node = nodes[package];
    if (node == null) {
      throw StateError(
          'Dependency $package ${parent != null ? 'of $parent ' : ''}not '
          'present, please run `dart pub get` or `flutter pub get` to fetch '
    return node;

  final rootNode = packageNode(rootPackageName);
  rootNode.dependencies.addAll(_depsFromYaml(rootPubspec, isRoot: true)
      .map((n) => packageNode(n, parent: rootPackageName)));

  final packageDependencies = _parsePackageDependencies(
      packageConfig.packages.where((p) => != rootPackageName));
  for (final packageName in packageDependencies.keys) {
            .map((n) => packageNode(n, parent: packageName)));
  return PackageGraph._(rootNode, nodes);