InputSet.fromJson constructor

  1. dynamic json


factory InputSet.fromJson(dynamic json) {
  if (json is List) {
    if (json.any((e) => e == null)) {
      throw ArgumentError.value(
          json, 'generate_for', 'Include globs must not be empty');
    json = <String, List>{'include': json};
  } else if (json is! Map) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(json, 'sources',
        'Expected a Map or a List but got a ${json.runtimeType}');
  final parsed = _$InputSetFromJson(json as Map);
  if (parsed.include != null && parsed.include!.any((s) => s.isEmpty)) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        parsed.include, 'include', 'Include globs must not be empty');
  if (parsed.exclude != null && parsed.exclude!.any((s) => s.isEmpty)) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        parsed.exclude, 'exclude', 'Exclude globs must not be empty');
  return parsed;