setDefaults method

  1. @override
void setDefaults()


void setDefaults() {

  notificationBarTrigger = constOptionNotificationBarTrigger;
  serviceMode = constOptionServiceMode;
  // default is set to V3 to make sure we capture
  // what Flutter is rendering onto the GL surface
  videoMode = constOptionVideoMode;
  // this is required as V3 is not allowed on
  // some devices (e.g. Samsung), but is
  // required for Flutter as it renders its
  // UI onto GL surface
  this["forceVideoModeV3"] = constOptionForceVideoModeV3;
  // Some widgets, such as InAppWebView, don't draw on FlutterSurfaceView, unlike other standard widgets.
  // So, to capture everything on screen, we need to do it from a window and from a surfaceView.
  this["forceDrawAllSurfaces"] = constOptionForceDrawAllSurfaces;