openBytesStream function

Stream<List<int>> openBytesStream(
  1. Object source

Opens a byte stream from the source, which can be one of:

  • Stream<List
  • List
  • File (will call openRead())
  • String (will call utf8.encode())


Stream<List<int>> openBytesStream(
    /* String | List<int> | File | Stream<List<int>> */ Object source) {
  if (source is Stream<List<int>>) {
    return source;
  } else if (source is List<int>) {
    return Stream.fromFuture(Future.value(source));
  } else if (source is File) {
    return source.openRead();
  } else if (source is String) {
    return Stream.fromFuture(Future.value(utf8.encode(source)));
  } else {
    throw ArgumentError('Unknown input type: ${source.runtimeType}');