This package provides the functionality to create bubble pop ups around any widget, anywhere.

Getting started

First install the package, then simply wrap your widget with the BubblePopUp Widget, then provide the pop up widget at popUp parameter.


The following example shows how one can use this package to show a popup over a text which shows current balance of a user in short form like, "13K", where on hovering a pop up will appear showing the full value, like "13,429".

final widgetPopUpOnHover = BubblePopUp(
  popUpColor: scheme.background,
  popUp: Container(
    decoration: BoxDecoration(
      color: scheme.background,
      borderRadius: Globals.borderRadius,
    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
    child: CurrencyText.fromString(
  child: ExcludeSemantics(
    excluding: true,
    child: CurrencyText.fromString(

