openVideoBubbleAsset method

void openVideoBubbleAsset(
  1. String asset, {
  2. int startTimeInMilliseconds = 0,
  3. ControlsType controlsType = ControlsType.STANDARD,
  4. dynamic onEndServiceTask,

Start Video Bubble service and show the bubble asset specifies the uri of the file startTimeInMilliseconds specify where to start watching the video in milliseconds controlsType type of (ui) controls to show on the mini video player (all type avaiable in the enum ControlsType) onEndServiceTask callback to call after end of the service. Useful for setting a new time on the main media player


void openVideoBubbleAsset(String asset,
    {int startTimeInMilliseconds = 0,
    ControlsType controlsType = ControlsType.STANDARD,
    onEndServiceTask}) async {
  ByteData data = await rootBundle.load(asset);
  List<int> bytes =
      data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);
  Directory directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
  String dbPath = join(directory.path, 'video.mp4');
  File file = await File(dbPath).writeAsBytes(bytes);
  String path = file.path;
      startTimeInMilliseconds: startTimeInMilliseconds,
      controlsType: controlsType,
      onEndServiceTask: onEndServiceTask);