BsDatatableLanguage constructor

const BsDatatableLanguage({
  1. String? perPageLabel = 'Perpage',
  2. String? searchLabel = 'Search',
  3. String hintTextSearch = 'Search ...',
  4. String firstPagination = 'First Page',
  5. String lastPagination = 'Last Page',
  6. String previousPagination = 'Previous',
  7. String nextPagination = 'Next',
  8. String information = 'Show __START__ to __END__ of __FILTERED__ entries',
  9. String informationFiltered = 'filtered from __DATA__ total enteries',


const BsDatatableLanguage({
  this.perPageLabel = 'Perpage',
  this.searchLabel = 'Search',
  this.hintTextSearch = 'Search ...',
  this.firstPagination = 'First Page',
  this.lastPagination = 'Last Page',
  this.previousPagination = 'Previous',
  this.nextPagination = 'Next',
  this.information = 'Show __START__ to __END__ of __FILTERED__ entries',
  this.informationFiltered = 'filtered from __DATA__ total enteries',