unsubscribe<T> method

dynamic unsubscribe<T>(
  1. String topic, {
  2. EventHandler<T>? handler,

Unsubscribe from the given topic. Your handler will no longer recieve events published to this topic.

If handler is not provided, all subscribers from the topic are Unsubscribed. Useful in cases when you need to clear all handlers.

  • topic The topic to unsubscribe from
  • handler The event handler


unsubscribe<T>(String topic, {EventHandler<T>? handler}) {
  if (handler == null) {

  final handlers = _callbackMaps[topic];
  if (handlers == null) {

  // We now need to remove specific handler
  final handlerIndex = handlers.indexOf(handler);

  if (handlerIndex >= 0) {
    if (handlers.length == 0) {