brick_supabase workflow

Supabase Provider

Connecting Brick with Supabase.

Supported Query Configuration


Name Type Description
'limit' int Forwards to Supabase's limit param in Brick's #get action
'limitByReferencedTable' String? Forwards to Supabase's referencedTable property
'orderBy' String Use field names not column names and always specify direction.For example, given a final DateTime createdAt; field: {'orderBy': 'createdAt ASC'}.
'orderByReferencedTable' String? Forwards to Supabase's referencedTable property

:bulb: The ReferencedTable params are awkward but necessary to not collide with other providers (like SqliteProvider) that also use orderBy and limit. While a foreign_table.foreign_column syntax is more Supabase-like, it is not supported in orderBy and limit.


Brick currently does not support all of Supabase's filtering methods. Consider the associated Compare enum value to Supabase's method when building a Brick query:

Brick Supabase
Compare.exact .eq
Compare.notEqual .neq
Compare.contains .like
Compare.greaterThan .gt
Compare.greaterThanOrEqualTo .gte
Compare.lessThen .lt
Compare.lessThenOrEqualTo .lte
Compare.between .adj



The Supabase table name must be specified to connect from, upsert and delete invocations:

@SupabaseSerializable(tableName: 'users')
class User


By default, Brick assumes the Dart field name is the camelized version of the Supabase column name (i.e. final String lastName => 'last_name'). However, this can be changed to rename all fields.

@SupabaseSerializable(fieldRename: FieldRename.pascal)
class User

fieldRename is only the default transformation. Naming can be overriden on a field-by-field basis with @Supabase(name:).


Forwards to Supabase's defaultToNull during upsert operations.


Forwards to Supabase's ignoreDuplicates during upsert operations.


Forwards to Supabase's onConflict during upsert operations.



Connect Supabase's primary key (or any other index) to your application code. This is useful for upsert and delete logic when mutating instances.

@Supabase(unique: true, name: 'uuid')
final String supabaseUuid;


Brick by default assumes enums from a Supabase API will be delivered as integers matching the index in the Flutter app. However, if your API delivers strings instead, the field can be easily annotated without writing a custom generator.

Given the API:

{ "user": { "hats": ["bowler", "birthday"] } }

Simply convert hats into a Dart enum:

enum Hat { baseball, bowler, birthday }


@Supabase(enumAsString: true)
final List<Hat> hats;


Supabase keys can be renamed per field. This will override the default set by SupabaseSerializable#fieldRename.

  name: "full_name"  // "full_name" is used in from and to requests to Supabase instead of "last_name"
final String lastName;

:bulb: By default, Brick renames fields to be snake case when translating to Supabase, but you can change this default in the @SupabaseSerializable(fieldRename:) annotation that decorates models.

When the annotated field type extends the model's type, the Supabase column should be a foreign key.

class User extends OfflineFirstWithSupabaseModel{
  // The foreign key is a relation to the `id` column of the Address table
  @Supabase(name: 'address_id')
  final Address address;

class Address extends OfflineFirstWithSupabaseModel{
  final String id;

:bulb: The remote column type can be different than the local Dart type for associations. For example, @Supabase(name: 'user_id') that annotates final User user can be a Postgres string type.

@Supabase(ignoreFrom:) and @Supabase(ignoreTo:)

When true, the field will be ignored by the (de)serializing function in the adapter.

Unsupported Field Types

The following are not serialized to Supabase. However, unsupported types can still be accessed in the model as non-final fields.

  • Nested List<> e.g. <List<List<int>>>
  • Many-to-many associations

