generateUniqueSqliteFunction method

  1. @protected
  2. @mustCallSuper
String generateUniqueSqliteFunction(
  1. Map<String, String> uniqueFields

Generates the method primaryKeyByUniqueColumns for the adapter


String generateUniqueSqliteFunction(Map<String, String> uniqueFields) {
  final functionDeclaration =
      '@override\nFuture<int?> primaryKeyByUniqueColumns(${} instance, DatabaseExecutor executor) async';
  final whereStatement = <String>[];
  final valuesStatement = <String>[];
  final selectStatement = <String>[];

  for (final entry in uniqueFields.entries) {
    whereStatement.add('${entry.value} = ?');

  if (selectStatement.isEmpty && whereStatement.isEmpty) {
    return '$functionDeclaration => instance.primaryKey;';

  return """$functionDeclaration {
    final results = await executor.rawQuery('''
      SELECT * FROM `$tableName` WHERE ${whereStatement.join(' OR ')} LIMIT 1''',

    // SQFlite returns [{}] when no results are found
    if (results.isEmpty || (results.length == 1 && results.first.isEmpty)) {
      return null;

    return results.first['${InsertTable.PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMN}'] as int;