OfflineFirstWithRestRepository class abstract

Ensures the remoteProvider is a RestProvider. All requests to and from the remoteProvider pass through a seperate SQLite queue. If the app is unable to make contact with the remoteProvider, the queue automatically retries in sequence until it receives a response. Please note that a response may still be an error code such as 404 or 500. The queue is only concerned with connectivity.

OfflineFirstWithRestRepository should accept a type argument such as <_RepositoryModel extends OfflineFirstWithRestModel>, however, this causes a type bound error on runtime. The argument should be reintroduced with a future version of the compiler/analyzer.


OfflineFirstWithRestRepository({bool? autoHydrate, String? loggerName, MemoryCacheProvider? memoryCacheProvider, required Set<Migration> migrations, required RequestSqliteCacheManager<Request> offlineQueueManager, List<int>? reattemptForStatusCodes, required RestProvider restProvider, required SqliteProvider sqliteProvider})


autoHydrate bool
Refetch results in the background from remote source when any request is made. Defaults to false.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
logger → Logger
User for low-level debugging. The logger name can be defined in the default constructor; it defaults to OfflineFirstRepository.
memoryCacheProvider → MemoryCacheProvider
The first data source to speed up otherwise taxing queries. Only caches specified models.
migrationManager → MigrationManager
offlineRequestQueue ↔ RestOfflineRequestQueue
getter/setter pair
remoteProvider → RestProvider
The type declaration is important here for the rare circumstances that require interfacting with RestProvider's client directly.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sqliteProvider → SqliteProvider
The local data source utilized before every operation.
subscriptions Map<Type, Map<Query?, StreamController<List<OfflineFirstWithRestModel>>>>


applyPolicyToQuery(Query? query, {OfflineFirstDeletePolicy? delete, OfflineFirstGetPolicy? get, OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy? upsert}) → Query?
As some remote provider's may utilize an OfflineFirstPolicy from the request, this composes the policy to the query (such as in the providerArgs).
delete<TModel extends OfflineFirstWithRestModel>(TModel instance, {OfflineFirstDeletePolicy policy = OfflineFirstDeletePolicy.optimisticLocal, Query? query}) Future<bool>
Remove a model from SQLite and the remoteProvider
exists<TModel extends RepositoryModel>({Query? query}) Future<bool>
Check if a TModel is accessible locally. First checks if there's a matching query in memoryCacheProvider and then check sqliteProvider. Does not query remoteProvider.
get<TModel extends OfflineFirstWithRestModel>({OfflineFirstGetPolicy policy = OfflineFirstGetPolicy.awaitRemoteWhenNoneExist, Query? query, bool seedOnly = false}) Future<List<TModel>>
Load association from SQLite first; if the TModel hasn't been loaded previously, fetch it from remoteProvider and hydrate SQLite. For available query providerArgs see remoteProvider#get SqliteProvider.get.
getAssociation<TModel extends RepositoryModel>(Query query) Future<List<TModel>?>
Used exclusively by the OfflineFirstAdapter. If there are no results, returns null.
getBatched<TModel extends RepositoryModel>({int batchSize = 50, OfflineFirstGetPolicy policy = OfflineFirstGetPolicy.awaitRemoteWhenNoneExist, Query? query, bool seedOnly = false}) Future<List<TModel>>
Get all results in series of batchSizes (defaults to 50). Useful for large queries or remote results.
hydrate<TModel extends OfflineFirstWithRestModel>({bool deserializeSqlite = true, Query? query}) Future<List<TModel>>
Fetch and store results from remoteProvider into SQLite and the memory cache.
initialize() Future<void>
Prepare the environment for future repository functions. It is recommended to call this method within a StatefulWidget's initState to ensure it is only invoked once. It is not automatically invoked.
migrate() Future<void>
Update SQLite structure with only new migrations.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifySubscriptionsWithLocalData<TModel extends RepositoryModel>({bool notifyWhenEmpty = true}) Future<void>
Iterate through subscriptions after an upsert and notify any subscribe listeners.
reset() Future<void>
Destroys all local records - specifically, memoryCache and sqliteProvider's data sources.
storeRemoteResults<TModel extends RepositoryModel>(List<TModel> models, {bool shouldNotify = true}) Future<List<TModel>>
Save response results to SQLite.
subscribe<TModel extends RepositoryModel>({OfflineFirstGetPolicy policy = OfflineFirstGetPolicy.localOnly, Query? query}) Stream<List<TModel>>
Listen for streaming changes when the sqliteProvider is upserted. This method utilizes remoteProvider's get.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
upsert<TModel extends OfflineFirstWithRestModel>(TModel instance, {OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy policy = OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy.optimisticLocal, Query? query, bool throwOnReattemptStatusCodes = false}) Future<TModel>
throwOnReattemptStatusCodes - when true, the repository will throw an OfflineFirstException for responses that include a code within reattemptForStatusCodes. Defaults false.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.