upsert<_Model extends OfflineFirstWithRestModel> method

  1. @override
Future<_Model> upsert<_Model extends OfflineFirstWithRestModel>(
  1. _Model instance, {
  2. OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy policy = OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy.optimisticLocal,
  3. Query? query,
  4. bool throwOnReattemptStatusCodes = false,

throwOnReattemptStatusCodes - when true, the repository will throw an OfflineFirstException for responses that include a code within reattemptForStatusCodes. Defaults false.


Future<_Model> upsert<_Model extends OfflineFirstWithRestModel>(
  _Model instance, {
  OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy policy = OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy.optimisticLocal,
  Query? query,
  bool throwOnReattemptStatusCodes = false,
}) async {
  try {
    return await super.upsert<_Model>(instance, policy: policy, query: query);
  } on RestException catch (e) {
    logger.warning('#upsert rest failure: $e');
    if (_ignoreTunnelException(e)) {
      return instance;

    // since we know we'll reattempt this request, an exception does not need to be reported
    if (reattemptForStatusCodes.contains(e.response.statusCode) && !throwOnReattemptStatusCodes) {
      return instance;

    throw OfflineFirstException(e);