DestructiveLocalSyncFromRemoteMixin<T extends OfflineFirstModel> mixin

Provides an extended get method to support remote syncs that override local data. For example, if two models exist in the remoteProvider but three exist in sqliteProvider and memoryCacheProvider, the extra model is removed from the local providers when #get:forceLocalSyncFromRemote is true or when destructiveLocalSyncFromRemote is invoked.

Using this mixin and its methods requires that the data from the remoteProvider should not be paginated and complete from a single request.

Superclass constraints


autoHydrate bool
Refetch results in the background from remote source when any request is made. Defaults to false.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
logger → Logger
User for low-level debugging. The logger name can be defined in the default constructor; it defaults to OfflineFirstRepository.
memoryCacheProvider → MemoryCacheProvider
The first data source to speed up otherwise taxing queries. Only caches specified models.
migrationManager → MigrationManager
remoteProvider → Provider<Model>
The data source that data is pushed to and from.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sqliteProvider → SqliteProvider
The local data source utilized before every operation.


applyPolicyToQuery(Query? query, {OfflineFirstDeletePolicy? delete, OfflineFirstGetPolicy? get, OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy? upsert}) Query?
As some remote provider's may utilize an OfflineFirstPolicy from the request, this composes the policy to the query (such as in the providerArgs).
delete<_Model extends _RepositoryModel>(_Model instance, {OfflineFirstDeletePolicy policy = OfflineFirstDeletePolicy.optimisticLocal, Query? query}) Future<bool>
Remove a model from SQLite and the remoteProvider
destructiveLocalSyncFromRemote<_Model extends T>({Query? query}) Future<List<_Model>>
When invoked, local instances that exist in sqliteProvider and memoryCacheProvider but do not exist in the remoteProvider are destroyed. The data from the remoteProvider should not be paginated and must be complete from a single request.
exists<_Model extends _RepositoryModel>({Query? query}) Future<bool>
Check if a _Model is accessible locally. First checks if there's a matching query in memoryCacheProvider and then check sqliteProvider. Does not query remoteProvider.
get<_Model extends T>({bool forceLocalSyncFromRemote = false, OfflineFirstGetPolicy policy = OfflineFirstGetPolicy.awaitRemoteWhenNoneExist, Query? query, bool seedOnly = false}) Future<List<_Model>>
Load association from SQLite first; if the _Model hasn't been loaded previously, fetch it from remoteProvider and hydrate SQLite. For available query providerArgs see remoteProvider#get SqliteProvider.get.
getAssociation<_Model extends _RepositoryModel>(Query query) Future<List<_Model>?>
Used exclusively by the OfflineFirstAdapter. If there are no results, returns null.
getBatched<_Model extends _RepositoryModel>({int batchSize = 50, OfflineFirstGetPolicy policy = OfflineFirstGetPolicy.awaitRemoteWhenNoneExist, Query? query, bool seedOnly = false}) Future<List<_Model>>
Get all results in series of batchSizes (defaults to 50). Useful for large queries or remote results.
hydrate<_Model extends _RepositoryModel>({bool deserializeSqlite = true, Query? query}) Future<List<_Model>>
Fetch and store results from remoteProvider into SQLite and the memory cache.
initialize() Future<void>
Prepare the environment for future repository functions. It is recommended to call this method within a StatefulWidget's initState to ensure it is only invoked once. It is not automatically invoked.
migrate() Future<void>
Update SQLite structure with only new migrations.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reset() Future<void>
Destroys all local records - specifically, memoryCache and sqliteProvider's data sources.
storeRemoteResults<_Model extends _RepositoryModel>(List<_Model> models) Future<List<_Model>>
Save response results to SQLite.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
upsert<_Model extends _RepositoryModel>(_Model instance, {Query? query, OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy policy = OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy.optimisticLocal}) Future<_Model>
Send a model to remoteProvider and hydrate.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.