coderForField method
- FieldElement field,
- SharedChecker<
Model> checker, { - required bool wrappedInFuture,
- required Annotation fieldAnnotation,
Produces serializing or deserializing method given a field and checker.
The assignment (data['my_field']:
in serializers or myField:
in deserializers)
is automatically injected by the superclass and should not be included in the
output of the coder.
To simplify checking, Future
s are unwrapped before they get to this method.
If the type was originally a future, wrappedInFuture
is true
For example, Future<List<int>>
will be an iterable according to the checker and
will be true
String? coderForField(field, checker, {required wrappedInFuture, required fieldAnnotation}) {
final fieldValue = serdesValueForField(field,!, checker: checker);
final defaultValue = SerdesGenerator.defaultValueSuffix(fieldAnnotation);
if (fieldAnnotation.ignoreFrom) return null;
// DateTime
if (checker.isDateTime) {
if (checker.isNullable) {
return '$fieldValue == null ? null : DateTime.tryParse($fieldValue$defaultValue as String)';
return 'DateTime.parse($fieldValue$defaultValue as String)';
// bool, double, int, num, String
} else if (checker.isDartCoreType) {
final wrappedCheckerType =
wrappedInFuture ? 'Future<${checker.targetType}>' : checker.targetType.toString();
return '$fieldValue as $wrappedCheckerType$defaultValue';
// Iterable
} else if (checker.isIterable) {
final argType = checker.unFuturedArgType;
final argTypeChecker = checkerForType(checker.argType);
final castIterable = SerdesGenerator.iterableCast(
isSet: checker.isSet,
isList: checker.isList,
isFuture: wrappedInFuture || checker.isFuture,
forceCast: !checker.isArgTypeASibling,
// Iterable<RestModel>, Iterable<Future<RestModel>>
if (checker.isArgTypeASibling) {
final fromJsonCast = SerdesGenerator.iterableCast(
isSet: checker.isSet,
isList: checker.isList,
isFuture: true,
forceCast: true,
var deserializeMethod = '''
$fieldValue?.map((d) =>
${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(argType)}Adapter().from$providerName(d, provider: provider, repository: repository)
if (wrappedInFuture) {
deserializeMethod = 'Future.wait<$argType>($deserializeMethod ?? [])';
} else if (!checker.isArgTypeAFuture && !checker.isFuture) {
deserializeMethod = 'await Future.wait<$argType>($deserializeMethod ?? [])';
if (checker.isSet) {
return '($deserializeMethod$defaultValue).toSet()';
return '$deserializeMethod$defaultValue';
// Iterable<enum>
if (argTypeChecker.isEnum) {
final deserializeFactory = argTypeChecker.enumDeserializeFactory(providerName);
if (deserializeFactory != null) {
final nullableSuffix = argTypeChecker.isNullable ? '?' : '';
return '$fieldValue$${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(argType)}.$deserializeFactory)';
if (fieldAnnotation.enumAsString) {
return '''$fieldValue.whereType<String>().map(
} else {
return '$ => ${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(argType)}.values[e])$castIterable$defaultValue';
// Iterable<fromJson>
if (argTypeChecker.fromJsonConstructor != null) {
final klass = argTypeChecker.targetType.element as ClassElement;
final parameterType = argTypeChecker.fromJsonConstructor!.parameters.first.type;
final nullableSuffix = checker.isNullable ? '?' : '';
return '''$fieldValue$
(d) => ${klass.displayName}.fromJson(d as ${parameterType.getDisplayString(withNullability: true)})
// List, Set, other iterable
final deserializeMethod =
checker.isNullable ? '$fieldValue?$castIterable' : '$fieldValue$castIterable';
return fieldAnnotation.defaultValue == null
? deserializeMethod
: '$deserializeMethod ?? ${fieldAnnotation.defaultValue}';
// sibling
} else if (checker.isSibling) {
final shouldAwait = wrappedInFuture ? '' : 'await ';
final nullableSuffix = checker.isNullable ? '$fieldValue == null ? null : ' : '';
return '''$nullableSuffix$shouldAwait${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(checker.unFuturedType)}Adapter().from$providerName(
$fieldValue, provider: provider, repository: repository
// enum
} else if (checker.isEnum) {
final deserializeFactory = checker.enumDeserializeFactory(providerName);
if (deserializeFactory != null) {
return '${checker.isNullable ? "$fieldValue == null ? null :" : ""} ${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(field.type)}.$deserializeFactory($fieldValue)';
if (fieldAnnotation.enumAsString) {
return '${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(field.type)}.values.byName($fieldValue)$defaultValue';
} else {
if (checker.isNullable) {
return '$fieldValue is int ? ${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(field.type)}.values[$fieldValue as int] : null$defaultValue';
return '${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(field.type)}.values[$fieldValue as int]';
// Map
} else if (checker.isMap) {
return '$fieldValue$defaultValue';
} else if (checker.fromJsonConstructor != null) {
final klass = checker.targetType.element as ClassElement;
final parameterType = checker.fromJsonConstructor!.parameters.first.type;
final output =
'${klass.displayName}.fromJson($fieldValue as ${parameterType.getDisplayString(withNullability: true)})';
if (checker.isNullable) return '$fieldValue != null ? $output : null';
return output;
return null;