coderForField method

  1. @override
String? coderForField(
  1. FieldElement field,
  2. SharedChecker<Model> checker, {
  3. required bool wrappedInFuture,
  4. required Annotation fieldAnnotation,

Produces serializing or deserializing method given a field and checker.

The assignment (data['my_field']: in serializers or myField: in deserializers) is automatically injected by the superclass and should not be included in the output of the coder.

To simplify checking, Futures are unwrapped before they get to this method. If the type was originally a future, wrappedInFuture is true. For example, Future<List<int>> will be an iterable according to the checker and wrappedInFuture will be true.


String? coderForField(field, checker, {required wrappedInFuture, required fieldAnnotation}) {
  final fieldValue = serdesValueForField(field,!, checker: checker);
  final defaultValue = SerdesGenerator.defaultValueSuffix(fieldAnnotation);
  if (fieldAnnotation.ignoreFrom) return null;

  // DateTime
  if (checker.isDateTime) {
    if (checker.isNullable) {
      return '$fieldValue == null ? null : DateTime.tryParse($fieldValue$defaultValue as String)';
    return 'DateTime.parse($fieldValue$defaultValue as String)';

    // bool, double, int, num, String
  } else if (checker.isDartCoreType) {
    final wrappedCheckerType =
        wrappedInFuture ? 'Future<${checker.targetType}>' : checker.targetType.toString();
    return '$fieldValue as $wrappedCheckerType$defaultValue';

    // Iterable
  } else if (checker.isIterable) {
    final argType = checker.unFuturedArgType;
    final argTypeChecker = checkerForType(checker.argType);
    final castIterable = SerdesGenerator.iterableCast(
      isSet: checker.isSet,
      isList: checker.isList,
      isFuture: wrappedInFuture || checker.isFuture,
      forceCast: !checker.isArgTypeASibling,

    // Iterable<RestModel>, Iterable<Future<RestModel>>
    if (checker.isArgTypeASibling) {
      final fromJsonCast = SerdesGenerator.iterableCast(
        isSet: checker.isSet,
        isList: checker.isList,
        isFuture: true,
        forceCast: true,

      var deserializeMethod = '''
        $fieldValue?.map((d) =>
          ${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(argType)}Adapter().from$providerName(d, provider: provider, repository: repository)

      if (wrappedInFuture) {
        deserializeMethod = 'Future.wait<$argType>($deserializeMethod ?? [])';
      } else if (!checker.isArgTypeAFuture && !checker.isFuture) {
        deserializeMethod = 'await Future.wait<$argType>($deserializeMethod ?? [])';

      if (checker.isSet) {
        return '($deserializeMethod$defaultValue).toSet()';

      return '$deserializeMethod$defaultValue';

    // Iterable<enum>
    if (argTypeChecker.isEnum) {
      final deserializeFactory = argTypeChecker.enumDeserializeFactory(providerName);
      if (deserializeFactory != null) {
        final nullableSuffix = argTypeChecker.isNullable ? '?' : '';
        return '$fieldValue$${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(argType)}.$deserializeFactory)';

      if (fieldAnnotation.enumAsString) {
        return '''$fieldValue.whereType<String>().map(
      } else {
        return '$ => ${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(argType)}.values[e])$castIterable$defaultValue';

    // Iterable<fromJson>
    if (argTypeChecker.fromJsonConstructor != null) {
      final klass = argTypeChecker.targetType.element as ClassElement;
      final parameterType = argTypeChecker.fromJsonConstructor!.parameters.first.type;
      final nullableSuffix = checker.isNullable ? '?' : '';

      return '''$fieldValue$
        (d) => ${klass.displayName}.fromJson(d as ${parameterType.getDisplayString(withNullability: true)})

    // List, Set, other iterable
    final deserializeMethod =
        checker.isNullable ? '$fieldValue?$castIterable' : '$fieldValue$castIterable';
    return fieldAnnotation.defaultValue == null
        ? deserializeMethod
        : '$deserializeMethod ?? ${fieldAnnotation.defaultValue}';

    // sibling
  } else if (checker.isSibling) {
    final shouldAwait = wrappedInFuture ? '' : 'await ';
    final nullableSuffix = checker.isNullable ? '$fieldValue == null ? null : ' : '';

    return '''$nullableSuffix$shouldAwait${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(checker.unFuturedType)}Adapter().from$providerName(
        $fieldValue, provider: provider, repository: repository

    // enum
  } else if (checker.isEnum) {
    final deserializeFactory = checker.enumDeserializeFactory(providerName);
    if (deserializeFactory != null) {
      return '${checker.isNullable ? "$fieldValue == null ? null :" : ""} ${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(field.type)}.$deserializeFactory($fieldValue)';

    if (fieldAnnotation.enumAsString) {
      return '${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(field.type)}.values.byName($fieldValue)$defaultValue';
    } else {
      if (checker.isNullable) {
        return '$fieldValue is int ? ${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(field.type)}.values[$fieldValue as int] : null$defaultValue';
      return '${SharedChecker.withoutNullability(field.type)}.values[$fieldValue as int]';

    // Map
  } else if (checker.isMap) {
    return '$fieldValue$defaultValue';
  } else if (checker.fromJsonConstructor != null) {
    final klass = checker.targetType.element as ClassElement;
    final parameterType = checker.fromJsonConstructor!.parameters.first.type;

    final output =
        '${klass.displayName}.fromJson($fieldValue as ${parameterType.getDisplayString(withNullability: true)})';
    if (checker.isNullable) return '$fieldValue != null ? $output : null';
    return output;

  return null;