Brick GraphQL

Core logic for interfacing with a GraphQL server with Brick.

How Brick Generates GraphQL Data

Because Brick interpolates with other providers, such as SQLite, there must be a single point of generation. This library elects to generate the code from Dart (instead of from a GraphQL generator like Artemis) so that configuration for these providers can exist in the same source of truth.

Supported Query Configuration

Since Dart is the source of truth, it may not map 1:1 to the GraphQL contract. Brick will intelligently guess what operation to use and send generated variables based on the Dart model. However, it can always be overriden with a Query(providerArgs).


  • 'document' (String) apply this document query instead of one of the defaults
  • 'variables' (Map<String, dynamic>) use these variables instead of a generated TLD query value when composing a request. By default, Brick will use the toGraphql output from the adapter
  • 'context' (Map<String, ContextEntry>) apply this as the context to the request instead of an empty object. Useful for subsequent consumers/Links of the request. The key should be the runtime type of the ContextEntry.


Values supplied to where: are transformed into variables sent with queries and subscriptions. Variables autopopulated from Query(where:) are overriden by - not mixed with - providerArgs: {'variables'}

Query(where: [
// => {'name': 'Thomas'}

To extend a query with custom properties, use GraphqlProvider#queryToVariables:

final query = Query.where('name', 'Thomas');
final variables = {
  'myCustomVariable': true,

:warning: Association values within Where are not converted to variables.


To reduce copypasta-ing the same GraphQL document and variables, defaults can be set on a per-model basis. Only the header is required.


Used to remove a specific instance.

  graphqlConfig: GraphqlSerializable(
    defaultDeleteOperation: r'''mutation DeleteUser($input: DeleteUserInput!) {
      deleteUser(input: $input) {}
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}


Used for fetching all instances of a model without any arguments or variables.

  graphqlConfig: GraphqlSerializable(
    defaultQueryOperation: r'''query GetUsers() {
      getUsers() {}
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}


Fetch instances of a model with an argument or variable.

  graphqlConfig: GraphqlSerializable(
    defaultQueryFilteredOperation: r'''query GetFilteredUsers($input: UserFilterInput) {
      getFilteredUsers(input: $input) {}
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}


Listen for all updates to all instances of the model.

  graphqlConfig: GraphqlSerializable(
    defaultSubscriptionOperation: r'''subscription SubscribeToUsers() {
      getUsers() {}
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}


Fetch instances of a model(s) with an argument or variable.

  graphqlConfig: GraphqlSerializable(
    defaultSubscriptionFilteredOperation: r'''subscription SubscribeToUser($input: UserModel) {
      getUser(input: $input) {}
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}


Add or update an instance of the model.

  graphqlConfig: GraphqlSerializable(
    defaultUpsertOperation: r'''mutation UpsertUser($input: UserModel) {
      upsertUser(input: $input) {}
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}

:warning: Nodes can be supplied for all operations but they will be ignored.

