prepareUri method

Uri prepareUri(
  1. Uri baseUri,
  2. Uri requestUri

Prepare the final URI for making the request.

baseUri : The URI which will be the base to which the other URIs will connect to.

requestUri : Contains all the extra parameters like the endpoints, queries and so one which will be added to baseUri to make the final request.


Uri prepareUri(Uri baseUri, Uri requestUri) => baseUri.replace(
      scheme: requestUri.hasScheme ? requestUri.scheme : baseUri.scheme,
      host: != '' ? : null,
      path: requestUri.path != '' ? requestUri.path : null,
      queryParameters: (baseUri.queryParameters.isNotEmpty ||
          ? <String, dynamic>{
              if (baseUri.queryParameters.isNotEmpty)
              if (requestUri.queryParameters.isNotEmpty)
          : null,