Flutter Brazilian Locations From Guilherme Queiroz

buymeacoffee Ko-fi

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Flutter package to display list of States and Cities from Brazil. Brazilian Locations you can build highly customizable input, that your designers can't even draw in Figma 🤭

How to Use

To use this Package, add brazilian_locations as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml.

    showStates: true,
    showCities: true,
    stateDropdownLabel: "State",
    cityDropdownLabel: "City",
    stateSearchPlaceholder: "State",
    citySearchPlaceholder: "City",
    onStateChanged: (value) {
      if (value != null) {
        setState(() => stateValue = value);
    onCityChanged: (value) {
      if (value != null) {
        setState(() => cityValue = value);

you will get feedback in onChanged functions

Cache Service

The package now includes a cache service that stores the data retrieved from the IBGE API using Hive, allowing faster loading times for subsequent app launches.

  • Optional Initialization:: You can choose to initialize the cache service before running your app to ensure data is preloaded and dropdowns are ready for user interaction immediately.


void main() async {
  /// Optionally initialize BrazilianLocations
  /// - Initializes Hive and loads cached data.
  /// - Ensures dropdowns are populated and responsive upon first app load.
  await BrazilianLocations.initialize();

  runApp(const MyApp());


showStatesBoolean Enable disable States dropdown (true / false)
showCitiesBoolean Enable disable Cities dropdown (true / false)
dropdownDecorationBoxDecorationDropdown box decoration to style your dropdown selector [OPTIONAL PARAMETER] (USE with disabledDropdownDecoration)
disabledDropdownDecorationBoxDecorationDisabled Dropdown box decoration to style your dropdown selector [OPTIONAL PARAMETER] (USE with disabled dropdownDecoration)
selectedItemStyleTextStyleTo change selected item style
dropdownHeadingStyleTextStyleTo change DropdownDialog Heading style
dropdownItemStyleTextStyleTo change DropdownDialog Item style
dropdownDialogRadiusdoubleTo change DropdownDialogBox radius
searchBarRadiusdoubleTo change search bar radius
stateSearchPlaceholderStringPlaceholder for state search field
citySearchPlaceholderStringPlaceholder for city search field
stateDropdownLabelStringLabel/Title for state dropdown
cityDropdownLabelStringLabel/Title for city dropdown


Guilherme Queiroz Ribeiro

Don't forget to give it a star ⭐


Flutter package to display list of States and Cities from Brazil.