KeyStore.fromV1Json constructor

  1. String encoded,
  2. String password

Reads and unlocks the key store denoted in the json string given with the specified password. encoded must be the String contents of a valid v1 Topl key store.


factory KeyStore.fromV1Json(String encoded, String password) {
    In order to read the keystore and obtain the secret key stored in it, we
    need to do the following:
    1: Key Derivation: Based on the key derivator specified (either pbdkdf2 or
       scryt), we need to use the password to obtain the aes key used to
       decrypt the private key.
    2: Using the obtained aes key and the iv parameter, decrypt the private
       key stored in the keystore.

  final data = json.decode(encoded);

  // Ensure version is 1, only version that we support at the moment
  final version = data['version'];
  if (version != 1) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        'Library only supports '
            'version 1 of key store files at the moment. However, the following value'
            ' has been given:');

  final crypto = data['crypto'] ?? data['Crypto'];
  _KeyDerivator derivator;

  final kdf = crypto['kdf'] as String;

  switch (kdf) {
    case 'scrypt':
      final derParams = crypto['kdfparams'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
      derivator = _ScryptKeyDerivator(
          derParams['dkLen'] as int,
          derParams['n'] as int,
          derParams['r'] as int,
          derParams['p'] as int,
          Uint8List.fromList(str2ByteArray(derParams['salt'] as String)));
      throw ArgumentError(
          'Wallet file uses $kdf as key derivation function which is currently not supported');

  // Now that we have the derivator, let's obtain the aes key:
  final encodedPassword =
      Uint8List.fromList(str2ByteArray(password, enc: 'latin1'));
  final derivedKey = derivator.deriveKey(encodedPassword);
  final encryptedPrivateKey = str2ByteArray(crypto['cipherText'] as String);

  //Validate the derived key with the mac provided
  final derivedMac = _getMac(derivedKey, encryptedPrivateKey);
  if (derivedMac != crypto['mac']) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        'Invalid MAC: Could not unlock key store file. You either supplied the wrong password or the file is corrupted');

  // We only support this mode at the moment
  if (crypto['cipher'] != 'aes-256-ctr') {
    throw ArgumentError(
        'Invalid Cipher: key store file uses ${crypto["cipher"]} as cipher, but only aes-256-ctr is supported.');

  final iv = str2ByteArray(crypto['cipherParams']['iv'] as String);

  final aes = _initCipher(false, derivedKey, iv);

  final privateKey =

  final id = parseUuid(data['id'] as String);

  return KeyStore._(privateKey, derivator, encodedPassword, iv, id);