setTemplateWithBase64 method

void setTemplateWithBase64(
  1. String base64,
  2. bool isTemplate

setTemplateWithBase64(String, bool) takes a base64 string of data representing a template file and a boolean that tells the plugin if the file is a template.

If true, the back-end will treat the base64 string like a BWT or BWS file. If false, the back-end will treat the base64 string like a PNG, JPG, etc.

This is converted to useful information about the template in the back-end code. This method sets the current template being acted upon when setPlaceholderValue(String, String) or print() is called. Therefore, calling setTemplateWithBase64(String, bool) again will override any previous template that has been set.


void setTemplateWithBase64(String base64, bool isTemplate) {
  throw UnimplementedError(
      'setTemplateWithBase64(String base64, bool isTemplate) has not been implemented.');