wrapPhase<T> method

T wrapPhase<T>(
  1. BoxyDelegatePhase phase,
  2. T func()

Wraps func with a new debugPhase.

This is used by subclasses to indicate what phase in the render pipeline the boxy is performing.


T wrapPhase<T>(
  BoxyDelegatePhase phase,
  T Function() func,
) {
  // A particular delegate could be called reentrantly, e.g. if it used
  // by both a parent and a child. So, we must restore the context when
  // we return.
  final prevRender = this;
  delegate._render = this;
  debugPhase = phase;
  try {
    return func();
  } finally {
    debugPhase = BoxyDelegatePhase.none;
    delegate._render = prevRender;