inflate<T extends InflatedChildHandle> method

T inflate<T extends InflatedChildHandle>(
  1. Widget widget, {
  2. Object? id,

Dynamically inflates a widget as a child, should only be called during layout inside performInflatingLayout.


T inflate<T extends InflatedChildHandle>(Widget widget, {Object? id}) {
  id ??= _indexedChildCount++;

  assert(() {
    if (childHandleMap.containsKey(id)) {
      throw FlutterError(
          'This boxy attempted to inflate a widget with a duplicate id.\n'
          'There is already a child with the id "$id"');
    return true;

  final child = childFactory<T>(id: id, parent: this, widget: widget);

  _inflateQueue.add(child as ChildHandleType);
  childHandleMap[id] = child;
  _didInflate = true;

  return child;