value property

  1. @override
TextEditingValue value

The current value stored in this notifier.

When the value is replaced with something that is not equal to the old value as evaluated by the equality operator ==, this class notifies its listeners.


TextEditingValue get value => _textController.value;
  1. @override
void value=(TextEditingValue value)


set value(TextEditingValue value) {
  if (_ignoreSetValue) {
    _textController.value = value;
  } else {
    final pValue = processTextValue(this, value);
    // We set the cursor at the end of the inserted text for diffing purposes
    // when it is invalid.
    final cursor = pValue.selection.isValid
        ? pValue.selection.baseOffset
        : pValue.text.length;
    final diff = diffStrings(text, pValue.text, cursor);
    spans = spans
        .shift(diff.index, diff.inserted.length);
      Range(diff.index, diff.index + diff.inserted.length),

    if (pValue.selection != _textController.selection ||
        pValue.text != _textController.text) {

    _textController.value = pValue;