BottomNavigator.custom constructor

const BottomNavigator.custom({
  1. required Map<BottomNavTabType, BottomNavigationRelationship> tabsMap,
  2. required BottomNavTabType initialTab,
  3. required BottomNavBar? bottomNavBar,
  4. required StreamController<BottomNavTabType>? selectController,
  5. Key? key,

In this case bottom navigation bar will be custom, and BottomNavigationRelationship.navElementBuilder will not be called. Also outer selector should be given into custom bottom navigation bar bypass bottom navigator.


const BottomNavigator.custom({
  required this.tabsMap,
  required this.initialTab,
  required this.bottomNavBar,
  required this.selectController,
  Key? key,
}) : super(key: key);