A light weight package to show loader using bottom modal sheet. As it is a stateful widget, you can change the text shown on the bottom sheet dynamically.
Supported Dart Versions
Dart SDK version >= 2.12.0
Add the Package
bottom_loader: ^0.2.1
How to use
Import the package in your dart file
import 'package:bottom_loader/bottom_loader.dart';
Create an instance of BottomLoader
BottomLoader bl;
Initialise the bl object inside the build() method passing context to it
- Initialize the Bottom Loader object
bl = new BottomLoader(context);
- By default it will show a bottom loader with loader as CircularProgressIndicator but you can specifycustom loader widget and specify if you want your bottom loader to dismiss when back button is pressed isDismissible parameter (Optional)
//For bottom loader //loader aceepts any custom widget as loader bl = new BottomLoader(context, isDismissible: true/false, showLogs: true/false,loader: CircularProgressIndicator());
- Style the bottom loading sheet (Optional) message: 'Loading File...', backgroundColor: Colors.white, messageTextStyle: TextStyle( color:, fontSize: 19.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.w600) );
Note: You don't need to use all parameters, all of them are optional
- Showing the bottom loader
Dismissing the bottom loader
bl.close().then((isHidden) { print(isHidden); });
Want to contribute?
Pull requests and issues are always welcome!
How to contribute?
- Fork the repository
- Clone it to your local machine
- Open the project in your favourite editor
- Open cmd/terminal and run flutter clean and then flutter packages get
- Make the changes
- Create a Pull Request