getCustomizedActivity function

Future<Map> getCustomizedActivity({
  1. int? keyValue,
  2. String? activityType,
  3. int? expectedParticipants,
  4. double? fixedPrice,
  5. double? minPrice,
  6. double? maxPrice,
  7. double? expectedAccessibility,
  8. double? minAccessibility,
  9. double? maxAccessibility,

//////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////


//For fetching a random activity but you can specify your requirements like if you are thinking "Participants should be 3 but minimum price should be around 0.15. Also the type should be Social". So, you can do this - getCustomizedActivity(expectedParticipants: 3, minPrice 0.15, activityType: "social") :]

Future<Map> getCustomizedActivity(
    {int? keyValue,
    String? activityType,
    int? expectedParticipants,
    double? fixedPrice,
    double? minPrice,
    double? maxPrice,
    double? expectedAccessibility,
    double? minAccessibility,
    double? maxAccessibility}) async {
  String targeturl = '';

  // KeyValue
  if (keyValue != null) {
    if (getLastCharecter(targeturl) == "?") {
      targeturl = targeturl + "key=$keyValue";
    } else {
      targeturl = targeturl + "&key=$keyValue";

  // ActivityType
  if (activityType != null) {
    List availableTypes = [

    if (availableTypes.contains(activityType.toLowerCase().trim()) == false) {
      throw "${activityType.toLowerCase().trim()} is not an available type. Available types are - education, recreational, social, diy, charity, cooking, relaxation, music and busywork.";
    if (getLastCharecter(targeturl) == "?") {
      targeturl = targeturl + "type=${activityType.toLowerCase().trim()}";
    } else {
      targeturl = targeturl + "&type=${activityType.toLowerCase().trim()}";

  // ExpectedParticipants
  if (expectedParticipants != null) {
    if (getLastCharecter(targeturl) == "?") {
      targeturl = targeturl + "participants=$expectedParticipants";
    } else {
      targeturl = targeturl + "&participants=$expectedParticipants";

  // FixedPrice
  if (fixedPrice != null) {
    if (getLastCharecter(targeturl) == "?") {
      targeturl = targeturl + "price=$fixedPrice";
    } else {
      targeturl = targeturl + "&price=$fixedPrice";

  // MinPrice
  if (minPrice != null) {
    if (getLastCharecter(targeturl) == "?") {
      targeturl = targeturl + "minprice=$minPrice";
    } else {
      targeturl = targeturl + "&minprice=$minPrice";

  // MaxPrice
  if (maxPrice != null) {
    if (getLastCharecter(targeturl) == "?") {
      targeturl = targeturl + "maxprice=$maxPrice";
    } else {
      targeturl = targeturl + "&maxprice=$maxPrice";

  // ExpectedAccessibility
  if (expectedAccessibility != null) {
    if (getLastCharecter(targeturl) == "?") {
      targeturl = targeturl + "accessibility=$expectedAccessibility";
    } else {
      targeturl = targeturl + "&accessibility=$expectedAccessibility";

  // MinAccessibility
  if (minAccessibility != null) {
    if (getLastCharecter(targeturl) == "?") {
      targeturl = targeturl + "minaccessibility=$minAccessibility";
    } else {
      targeturl = targeturl + "&minaccessibility=$minAccessibility";

  // MaxAccessibility
  if (maxAccessibility != null) {
    if (getLastCharecter(targeturl) == "?") {
      targeturl = targeturl + "maxaccessibility=$maxAccessibility";
    } else {
      targeturl = targeturl + "&maxaccessibility=$maxAccessibility";

  http.Response webresult = await http.get(Uri.parse(targeturl));

  var jsondata = jsonDecode(webresult.body);

  if (jsondata.runtimeType.toString() == "_JsonMap") {
    var data = jsondata as Map;
    if (data.keys.toList().contains("error")) {
      throw "Error: ${data["error"]}";
  var activity = jsondata["activity"];
  var accessibility = jsondata["accessibility"];
  var type = jsondata["type"];
  var participants = jsondata["participants"];
  var price = jsondata["price"];
  var link = jsondata["link"];
  var key = jsondata["key"];

  return {
    "Activity": activity,
    "Accessibility": accessibility,
    "Type": type,
    "Participants": participants,
    "Price": price,
    "Link": link,
    "Key": key