bootstrap_like_grid library


Should be the direct child of a BSRow; however, if required BSColumn can be nested in Widget's with "child" property, BSRow must be an ancestor of BSColumn. BSColumn has a default breakpoint of col-12. If there are two values for a single breakpoint range ex col-sm-1 & col-sm-2, the first in the array will be used. Note only col-, col-sm-, col-md-, col-lg-, col-xl-, col-xxl- prefixes are used. col, or col-md will not work
The InheritedWidget, which passes data to all the children of BSColumnInheritance, allows children to update when BSColumnInheritance data updates, usually from a screen resize. The current width of the column can be used for display of widgets
Needs to be a child of a Widget that contains MediaQueryData, typically this will be a MaterialApp Acts similarly to a Bootstrap container, can be fluid - match the width of the nearest MediaQueryData parent non-fluid - a static size when the screen is xxl, xl, lg, md, sm - acts the same as fluid if smaller than sm
The InheritedWidget, which passes data to all the children of BSContainer, allows children to update when BSContainer data updates, usually from a screen resize
A row or a column based on it's BSColumn children's breakpoints if the sum of the children column's breakpoints are greater than 12 this is a column, otherwise it is a row
The InheritedWidget, which passes data to all the children of BSRowInheritance, allows children to update when BSRowInheritance data updates, usually from a screen resize. The current axis of the row is used to determine the size of children BSColumn


enum values used to represent the breakpoint labels