calculateColumnCurrentBreakPointSizeFactor static method

int calculateColumnCurrentBreakPointSizeFactor({
  1. required BSColumn column,
  2. required BSBreakPointLabels currentBreakPointLabel,

get a BSColumn's breakpoint size factor from the columns breakpoints, and the current breakpoint set by the BSContainer ex if current breakpoint xxl, and the column has breakpoints col-md-5, and col-sm-3, 5 will be returned


static int calculateColumnCurrentBreakPointSizeFactor({
  required BSColumn column,
  required BSBreakPointLabels currentBreakPointLabel,
}) {
  // get current breakpoint index
  int currentBreakPointLabelIndex = BSBreakPointLabels.values.indexWhere(
    (element) => element == currentBreakPointLabel,

  // get column breakpoint indexes in order from xxl to col
  List<List<int>> indexes = getColumBreakpointIndexes(
    column: column,

  // find the applicable breakpoint
  for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
    if (indexes[i][0] >= currentBreakPointLabelIndex) {
      return indexes[i][1];

  // for compiler, should not be called ever
  // default is col-12 if nothing is entered
  return 12;