Boomsheets for Dart

Boomsheets is a human-readable animation file format for all game developers.


If you want to use your animation doc with the flutter Flame engine, it is recommended to use the package Boomflame which uses this library and implements all the logic necessary to begin bringing your animations to life!

What Boomsheets Solves

Most programmers use multiple images to represent individual frames. This is neither optimal, work efficient, nor GPU-friendly.

Others use a spritesheet where all the frames are the exact same width and height. This is a problem when some animations have a large frame in the sequence and forces all other frames to become greedy and waste space.

Boomsheets Editor solves these pain points by empowering game devs to select the slices in the spritesheet and reposition frames using offsets embedded into the document. Visit the Steam page for more information.


The generated document is available to use without the tool. Because of the spec's simplicity, they can even be created by hand!


Boomsheets uses the YES scriptlet standard to define keywords which allow anyone to read, write, and use the animation document with only a text editor.


Global elements are used as meta information and, if present, apply to the whole document.

  • image_path - Can be read to find the associated image atlas.
  • frame_rate - Can be read to convert keyframe durations. Default is 60hz.

Animation keywords

  • anim - Represents an animation state and requires a string state.
  • keyframe - Represents one frame in the animation.
  • point - Represents a custom point in the frame.


Defining a point in a frame implicitly defines a new point in all frames for the animation it resides in. So if you're generating your own documents, be sure that each frame has the same number and names of points for that particular animation!

Using your own custom meta data

The underlining spec used to parse the boomsheets animation document allows users to provide additional metadata to any of the 3 keywords defined above. Metadata in the spec are called "Attributes" and begin with the @ symbol and must come before one of the animation keywords that they affect. They also stack so that multiple attributes can be applied to an element!


Attributes by themselves do not do anything! It is the coder's responsibility to read the attribute key-values and act on them.

Metadata on animations

# During this animation drop a hitbox to hurt enemies every frame
@hitbox x=0, y=-10, w=100, h=100
frame ...
frame ...
frame ...

Metadata on keyframes

# When the foot makes contact with the ground, play a sound
anim WALK
frame ...
@play_sound "footsteps.wav" once
frame ...
frame ...

Metadata on points

# The HAND node glows by a percentile 0.0-1.0 during this animation
anim AIM
frame ...
@glow 0.1
point HAND ...
frame ...
@glow 0.5
point HAND ...
frame ...
@glow 1.0
point HAND ...

Getting Started

The entry class for reading any animation document is through DocumentReader. This class provides two static methods: one reads from a file and the other to reads a document's contents from a single String with newlines.

Both operations are async and will return a Document containing the parsed animation states, keyframe data, and points. They can be used right away.

void main() async {
  Document doc = await DocumentReader.fromFile(

  // for each (String key, Anim value) in the doc
  for (final MapEntry(:key, :value) in doc.states.entries) {
    // Anims can have attribute metadata too
    for (final attr in value.attrs) {
    // Print each keyframe and their attributes, if any
    for (final keyframe in value.keyframes) {
      for (final attr in keyframe.attrs) {


This project is licensed under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL).

