bonfire_bloc 🔥🧱

Inspired by flame_bloc, bonfire_bloc offers a simple and natural way (similar to flutter_bloc) to use blocs and cubits inside a Bonfire game.


Simply run:

flutter pub add bonfire_bloc
flutter pub add bonfire
flutter pub add flutter_bloc

Or add custom versions in your pubspec.yaml:

  bonfire: ^3...
  flutter_bloc: ^8...

How to use

Lets assume we have a bloc that handles player inventory. First, we need to make it available to our entire game.

We can do that by using BlocProvider or MultiBlocProvider of the flutter_bloc:

return BlocProvider(
    create: (context) => InventoryBloc(),
    child: BonfireWidget(

Using the bloc at the component level can be done with two approaches:

  1. Listening to state changes by using BonfireBlocListenable mixin:
class Player extends SimplePLayer
  with BonfireBlocListenable<PlayerInventoryBloc, PlayerInventoryState> {

  void onNewState(state) {
  1. Reading the values by using BonfireBlocReader mixin:
class Coin extends GameDecoration
  with BonfireBlocReader<PlayerInventoryBloc> {

  void takeHit() {
    bloc.add(const IncrementCoin());

or with

class Coin extends GameDecoration{

  void takeHit() {<PlayerInventoryBloc>().add(const IncrementCoin());

Note that one limitation of the mixin is that it can access only a single bloc.

