onComponentTypeCheck method

  1. @override
  2. @mustCallSuper
bool onComponentTypeCheck(
  1. PositionComponent other

Defines whether the other component should be able to collide with this component.

If the hitboxParent is not CollisionCallbacks but PositionComponent, there is no CollisionCallbacks.onComponentTypeCheck in that component. As a result, it will always be able to collide with all other types.


bool onComponentTypeCheck(PositionComponent other) {
  final otherHitboxParent = (other as ShapeHitbox).hitboxParent;

  final thisCanCollideWithOther = (hitboxParent is! CollisionCallbacks) ||
      (hitboxParent as CollisionCallbacks)

  final otherCanCollideWithThis =
      (otherHitboxParent is! CollisionCallbacks) ||
          (otherHitboxParent as CollisionCallbacks)

  return thisCanCollideWithOther && otherCanCollideWithThis;