BonfireGameInterface class abstract

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Rafaelbarbosatec on 19/11/21





camera BonfireCamera
no setter
collisionAreaColor Color?
no setter
colorFilter ColorFilterInterface?
no setter
context BuildContext
no setter
enabledGestures bool
no setter
enabledKeyboard bool
no setter
globalForces List<Force2D>
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasLayout bool
no setter
highestPriority int
no setter
interface GameInterface?
no setter
lighting LightingInterface?
no setter
map GameMap
no setter
overlays → OverlayManager
no setter
paused bool
Returns is the engine if currently paused or running
no setter
player Player?
no setter
playerControllers List<PlayerController>?
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sceneBuilderStatus SceneBuilderStatus
getter/setter pair
showCollisionArea bool
no setter
size Vector2
no setter
timeScale double
getter/setter pair
worldsize Vector2
no setter


add(Component component) FutureOr<void>
Used to add component in the game.
addAll(List<Component> components) Future<void>
Used to add component list in the game.
addHud(Component component) FutureOr<void>
Used to add hud component in the game.
addJoystickObserver(PlayerControllerListener target, {bool cleanObservers = false, bool moveCameraToTarget = false}) → void
Used to change Joystick listener. And move camera to new target.
attackables({bool onlyVisible = false}) Iterable<Attackable>
Used to get all "Attackables" or oly visibles.
collisions({bool onlyVisible = false}) Iterable<ShapeHitbox>
Used to get all "ShapeHitbox".
configCollisionDetection(Rect mapDimensions) → void
decorations({bool onlyVisible = false}) Iterable<GameDecoration>
Used to get all "Decoration" or oly visibles.
enableGestures(bool enable) → void
enableKeyboard(bool enable) → void
enemies({bool onlyVisible = false}) Iterable<Enemy>
Used to get all "Enemies" or oly visibles.
generateValues(Duration duration, {double begin = 0.0, double end = 1.0, Curve curve = Curves.linear, Curve? reverseCurve, bool autoStart = true, bool infinite = false, VoidCallback? onFinish, ValueChanged<double>? onChange}) ValueGeneratorComponent
Used to generate numbers to create your animations or anythings
globalToViewportPosition(Vector2 position) Vector2
This method convert viewport position to word position
isVisibleInCamera(GameComponent c) bool
Used to check if a component is visible in the camera.
livingEnemies({bool onlyVisible = false}) Iterable<Enemy>
Used to get living "Enemies" or oly visibles.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pauseEngine() → void
Used to pause the engine.
query<T extends Component>({bool onlyVisible = false}) Iterable<T>
Used to find component by type visible or not.
queryHud<T extends Component>() Iterable<T>
Used to get hud components.
raycast(Ray2 ray, {double? maxDistance, List<ShapeHitbox>? ignoreHitboxes, RaycastResult<ShapeHitbox>? out}) RaycastResult<ShapeHitbox>?
raycastAll(Vector2 origin, {required int numberOfRays, double startAngle = 0, double sweepAngle = tau, double? maxDistance, List<Ray2>? rays, List<ShapeHitbox>? ignoreHitboxes, List<RaycastResult<ShapeHitbox>>? out}) List<RaycastResult<ShapeHitbox>>
raytrace(Ray2 ray, {int maxDepth = 10, List<ShapeHitbox>? ignoreHitboxes, List<RaycastResult<ShapeHitbox>>? out}) Iterable<RaycastResult<ShapeHitbox>>
resumeEngine() → void
Used to resume the engine.
screenToWorld(Vector2 screenPosition) Vector2
This method convert screen position to word position
startScene(List<SceneAction> actions, {void onComplete()?}) → void
stopScene() → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
viewportPositionToGlobal(Vector2 position) Vector2
This method convert viewport position to screen position
visibles<T extends GameComponent>() Iterable<T>
Used to get visible "Components".
worldToScreen(Vector2 worldPosition) Vector2
This method convert word position to screen position


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.