addChild method

Future<void> addChild(
  1. Component component

Prepares and registers one component to be added on the next game tick.

This allows you to provide a specific gameRef if this component is being added from within another component that is already on a FlameGame. You can await for the onLoad function, if present. This method can be considered sync for all intents and purposes if no onLoad is provided by the component.


Future<void> addChild(Component component) async {
  if (!component.isPrepared) {
    // Since the components won't be added until a proper game is added
    // further up in the tree we can add them to the _addLater list and
    // then re-add them once there is a proper root.
  // [Component.onLoad] (if it is defined) should only run the first time that
  // a component is added to a parent.
  if (!component.isLoaded) {
    final onLoad = component.onLoadCache;
    if (onLoad != null) {
      await onLoad;
    component.isLoaded = true;

  // Should run every time the component gets a new parent, including its
  // first parent.
  if (component.children.isNotEmpty) {
    await component.reAddChildren();
