render abstract method

void render(
  1. Canvas canvas,
  2. String text,
  3. Vector2 position, {
  4. Anchor anchor = Anchor.topLeft,

Renders a given text in a given position position using the provided canvas and anchor.

For example, if is specified, it's going to be drawn centered around position.

Example usage (Using TextPaint implementation):

const TextStyle style = TextStyle(fontSize: 48.0, fontFamily: 'Awesome Font');
const TextPaint textPaint = TextPaint(style: style);
textPaint.render(canvas, Vector2(size.x - 10, size.y - 10, anchor: Anchor.bottomRight);


void render(
  Canvas canvas,
  String text,
  Vector2 position, {
  Anchor anchor = Anchor.topLeft,